Information Measurement and Control Complexes and Systems Educational and Scientific Laboratory
A scientific unit of Belgorod State National Research University, the Information Measurement and Control Complexes and Systems Educational and Scientific Laboratory was founded in 2013.
Main Focuses
The Laboratory searches for solutions to design, development and research issues of pressing importance in the sphere of information measurement and control complexes and systems production and application, and carries out fundamental and applied research.
Main lines of activities
- conducting applied research, design and experimental works within the framework of the Laboratory’s research area,
- supporting the authorities and enterprises at conducting scientific research, design and experimental works, and subsequent implementation of the results obtained,
- assessing scientific rationale for employing emerging information measurement and control systems and supervisory control systems for them,
- increasing efficiency of existing systems in smaller and medium-size innovative enterprises,
- analyzing newer control methods and appliances, testing pilot information measurement and control systems,
- developing methods and systems of software and data support for sample information measurement and control systems adjustment and testing,
- manufacturing application of analysis methods for technical condition, diagnostics and identification of information measurement and control systems,
- study into ways and possibilities for creation and modernization of elements, parts and sample information measurement and control systems, developing their technical, performance and ergonomical characteristics, elaborating new principles of engineering solution design,
- providing engineering support for research conducted by BelSU scientists, graduate and postgraduate students, as well as for BelSU scientific units.
Address: 2A, Koroleva Street, University Building 4, Room 3-7
Phone: +7 4722 301300 ext. 48-28
Fax: +7 4722 245602
Director of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory Konstantin Rubtsov