Processing Equipment BelSU Common Use Centre
The Processing Equipment CUC Structure
- Pressure metal treatment shed
- Isothermal rolling shed
- Metal hotworking area
- Machine-tool use area
- Conductor and engineering support sector
Pressure metal treatment shed
This sector offers:
- Metal treatment under 100 tons pressure by hydraulic press equipped with commonly used isothermal press tools for equal channel angular pressing for light-weight alloys, open press tool for repeated high-temperature hammering, direct extrusion hammering, deep drawing. It is possible to install customer provided hammer tooling.
- Metal treatment under 400 tons pressure by hydraulic press equipped with commonly used isothermal press tools for equal channel angular pressing with back-pressure set for light-weight alloys, open press tool for repeated high-temperature hammering, direct extrusion hammering, deep drawing. It is possible to install customer provided hammer tooling.
- Developing techniques for producing articles by means of plastic deformation.
Isothermal rolling shed
This sector offers:
- hot and cold strip mill and isothermal rolling of metals and alloys. Roll force is up to 150 tons, semi-manufactured section ingoing gage is up to 40 mm, the thinnest outgoing gage possible is 40 microns. Rolls temperature is up to 572F (300˚С), rolled material (strip) breadth is up to 250 mm, metal strip length is up to 1000 meters for two-high reversing mill;
- Strip and coil rolling; hot, cold and isothermal rolling of metals and alloys. Roll force is up to 100 tons, semi-manufactured sections ingoing gage is up to 20 mm, the thinnest outgoing gage possible is 50 microns. Rolls temperature is up to 932F (500˚С). The rolling mill is equipped with coiling and de-coiling machine, rolled material (strip) breadth is up to 250 mm, and metal strip length is up to 1000 meters for two-high reversing mill.
- Developing steel and alloys rolling schedules (patterns).
Metal hot working area
- Heat treatment of customer provided ferrous, nonferrous and alloy blanks, parts, assemblies and tools, according to the order. Services for anneal, normalizing, quenching, tempering and precipitation (age) hardening are provided. It is possible to carry out heat treatment in protective medium. Adequate supervision and quality control is provided.
- Developing heat treatment conditions for brand-new steels and alloys.
Machine-tool use area
The Centre provides full range of techniques for metal precision machining made on modern equipment by skilled professionals. Services provided:
- high-speed electric discharge sawing of conductives;
- water-jet cutting of metals and non-metals, parts with maximum size of three dimensions 2000 × 1000 × 50 mm;
- milling of parts on multiwork and CNC-machines;
- turning of parts on multiwork and CNC-machines;
- flat/cylindrical grinding;
- fitting works;
- welding works.
Conductor and engineering support sector
- Developing custom and special process equipment for almost all industrial sectors, providing process control and design documentation.
- Developing techniques and equipment according to customer’s specific needs and requirements.
Contact information: 2A Koroleva Street, Building 5, 308035, Belgorod, Russia
Phone: +7 4722 585455, Fax: +7 4722 585456
Director of the Centre - Damir Taghirov
e-mail: [email protected]