Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке

Young scientists of BelSU – among the best!

Students and postgraduates of BelSU were named among winners and prizewinners of  IV Belgorod Regional Science Festival.

Three research teams from BelSU won grants for research work:

1. Research team (Anton Dovgan, Mikhail Martynov, Eugeniya Beskhmylnitsyna) under the supervision of BelSU Postgraduate Daria Kostinova for the project “Development of innovational target therapy of endothelium-associated pathology for lowering of death-rate and disability of socialy important diseases in Belgorod Region”.

2. Research team (Vseslav Novikov, Ivan Papenko) under the supervision of BelSU engineer Maria Arseenko for the project “Research of the influence of instrumental steel treatment with impulse plasma streams on structural and phase transformations and physical-mechanical properties of outer layer»

3. Researcher (Elena Bespalova) under the supervision of BelSU Postgraduate Shzanna Borodayeva for the project “Scientific basics of creation of stable structural material for the selection of permanent bean grasses on carbonate soils of Belgorod Region”.

 BelSU PR Department
