Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке

Legal regulation as a factor of state stability and society’s development

An international science to practice conference “Development of legal regulation in XXI century: tendencies and perspectives”, dedicated to 140th Anniversary of the university, took place at BelSU.

The forum was organized by University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) and Veliko Tarnovo University (Bulgaria) BelSU.

The principal of BelSU Oleg Polukhin greeted the guests on behalf of the university. Ha said the scientists from Angola, Bulgaria, China, Poland, Czech Republic, Ecuador etc. And also the lawyers and state workers, who represented more than 30 educational facilities took part in the Forum.

The Forum was dedicated to the perspective of Russian Federation development and actualization of legal regulation in the country. The program of the conference included a plenary meeting and discussion platforms.

 BelSU PR Department
