Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке

Van Gogh, Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorraine at BelSU

An exhibition of great foreign painters was opened at BelSU Strakhov Scientific Library.

An International Non-Profit Organization “The Spititual Culture Center” (Samara) gave a number of copies of paintings for the university’s exhibition. There are copies of the works of great Dutch Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, French Classicists Nicolas Poussin, Claude Lorraine etc.

“Our visitors would once again appreciate the genius of Vincent Villem Van Gogh, – one of the greatest painters of all time”, – said the chief librarian of BelSU Strakhov Scientific Library Nadezhde Malygina. – We present copies of his still lives and landscape paintings: “Autumn Landscape with Four Trees”, “Starry Night Over the Rhone”, “Wheat Field with a Lark”, “Four Sunflowers” etc.

The exhibition will be opened until January, 25 (ul. Pobedy 85, building 15, room 2-22).

 BelSU PR Department
