Дорамы в русской озвучке Турецкие фильмы и сериалы в русской озвучке

Upscale of international cooperation

The head of BelSU Institute of Management Sociology and Youth Outreach Department Inna Shapovalova visited Kazakh National Al-Faraby University.

The visit took place due to international academic mobility program. The visit was accepted by Al-Faraby Sociology and Social Work department and its head Prof. Gulmira Abdiraymova.

During the visit, colleagues prolonged the cooperational educational double diploma program for Master’s specialty “Business Sociology”. They’ve also spoke about comparative study of partner university’s students for diplomas, Master degree works, candidate dissertation works etc. 
The representatives arranged cooperational research of youth extremism, corporate solidarity , national identity, youth problems and social solidarity.

Partners decided to organize an international laboratory at Social Study Centers of the universities.

 BelSU Institute of Management
