Small innovative enterprise OOO «Geomonitor-BelGU»
Was founded in 2010.
The field of work
Geographic information systems and cartography: shipping logistics, development of corporate geographic information systems and geoportals, integration into existing corporate information systems.
Innovative solutions
The enterprise produces high-tech innovative products – dedicated satellite (GPS, GLONASS) monitoring systems for transport and specialized vehicles monitoring.
Application area
Satellite monitoring of moving objects is dedicated for:
- Solving of production tasks of in-corporate motor pool’s logistics and performance control enterprise;
- Provision of continuous monitoring of vehicles under the small exploitation costs.
Modularity of the system allows selecting an individual list of parameters for almost every field of work connected with transport and custom vehicles.
Products and service
- Creation and introduction of geo-information systems in every field of economy. The enterprise’s staff has a great working experience in development of geo-information systems, cartography, electronics, programming etc.
- Production, installation and maintenance of satellite systems’ mobile objects designed for monitoring. The systems consist of состав систем входят satellite tracker and set of data transmitters for the control over the transport and custom vehicles’ working parameters. Trackers and data transmitters can be produced by the enterprise or bought from supporting producer. According to the customer’s choice, the system can be packaged with the fuel tank gauge unit, flowing fluid meter, G meter, passenger flow meter.
- Development of special equipment kits and equipage of first responders’ transport, agricultural vehicles, cargo vessels (including refrigerators), building and road machinery.
- Equipage of transport vehicles with control and access control systems and critical sensors. The control systems and sensors provide correct transport exploitation and escalate the level of process safety.
- Warranty and post warranty service of satellite navigation equipment and car sensors.
Сompetitive advantage
- Use of the most advanced software platform for gathering and providing of transport monitoring data.
- The on-line use of MONITOR.MAP31.RU which provides control and tasks assignment features available from all over the world.
- Confidential business information stays off-limit to other clients and Internet-users.
- The wide specter of implement tasks forms and reports allows the company’s executive or authorized employees to customize the system for sending important notifications via SMS or e-mail.
- The system will warn the executive about vehicle’s deviation from the route, down time, non-normative fuel consumption, refrigerator failure, extracurricular unloading etc.
- The monitoring system has no territorial limitations and can me used for inter-city and global transport.
- Broad experience in this field: installation of various GPS/GLONASS equipment and sensors; precise mapping of enterprises and создание точных карт предприятий и fields’ cartograms; development of the report forms and introduction of monitoring systems into enterprise information systems based on 1C.
Address: 308002, Belgorod, prospect Bogdana Hmelnitskogo, 86b, office 63
Director: Andreij Zissman, 8-915-574-41-16
Phone/fax: 8 (4722) 34-64-18
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]