Energeticheskiye and informatsionnye technologii BelGU
Small innovative enterprise
OOO «Nauchno-proizvodstvennoye predpriyatie «Energeticheskiye and informatsionnye technologii BelGU»
Was founded in 2009.
The field of work
Power and information technologies
Innovative solutions
Wide range receiver with digital signal processing for a georadar «Loza-М».
The system construction technology of automated monitoring of hydrologic characteristics of rivers and inland water reservoirs as part of the operational forecasting system for floods and high water risks and emergency public warning.
Application area
Wide range receivers, radio- and radiotechnical monitoring of radio sources, radiodetectors, georadars and various radio-receiving equipment. Natural sites’ condition monitoring systems.
Products and service
The enterprise develops and produces wide range receivers, analog-to-digital converters with pass band up to 50 МHz, 250 МHz, 500 МHz and dynamic range up to 120 dB depending on the pass band.
It develops algorithmic software for allocation and analyze of various types of modulation (АМ, FM, QAM etc).
Сompetitive advantage
- Development and production of wide range receivers, analog-to-digital converters with large pass bands and wide dynamic range. The wide range receiver with the dynamic range up to 120 dB, developed by the enterprise is one of a kind.
- The system construction technology of automated monitoring of hydrologic characteristics of rivers and inland water reservoirs is unique because of it’s ability to forecast floods and high water risks.
Address: 308023, Belgorod, ul. Promyshlennaya. 4
Director: Ivan Oleynik, 8-960-628-92-84
Phone: (4722) 30-13-71
E-mail: [email protected]