Small innovative enterprise OOO «TermoENERGIYA-BelGU»
Was founded in 2009.
The field of work
Designing and production of flat and radial thermal generation batteries (the sources of heat transformation into electric energy).
Innovative solutions
The enterprise produces of flat and radial thermal generation batteries, which generate electric power from 0,5 to 50 W, depending on geometrical dimension, form and usage environment. The Bi-Te system, which allows to work in a temperature level of 20-350 °C is used here as a working material. The enterprise is based on the following intellectual property assets: (know-how) “The way of making a radial thermal generation battery with the commutation of p-n transitions by plasma coating”, registered in BelSU Know-how Register 24.09.2009 under the number 10 (the rightholder is BelSU); (know-how) “The way of making a flat thermal generation battery ”, registered in BelSU Know-how Register 26.11.2009 under the number 14 (the rightholder is BelSU); the utility model patent “Radial thermoelectric power battery” № 124840 as of 10.02.2013.
Application area
Thermoelectric power sources is used for the d.c. power supply of the:
- radio and television equipment;
- communication tools;
- illumination;
and also for:
- trickle charging;
- complement of autonomous power sources in the systems of radiorelay communication and cathodic protection of gas lines and petroleum pipeline systems, especially in the remote geographical position with harsh climatic environment;
- heat recovery of car emissions.
Products and service
- Designing and production of flat thermal generation batteries which generate electric power from 0,5 to 50 W
- Designing and production of radial thermal generation batteries which generate electric power from 0,5 to 50 W
Сompetitive advantage
Industrial designs, deviating from existing analogues were made on the basis of interconnection technology of semiconducting material. It deviates by:
- larger EF (by 10 %): is supposed to subdue surface resistance and so decrease thermal loss on the semiconductor–contact rail¬–lag mark by means of commutation;
- environmental friendliness (absence of lead in the whole battery production process. It is important for abiding by european RoHS regulations). This technology allows to exclude brazing of conducting planes with lead solders;
- advanced reliability (quantity of «onn/off» cycles, when battery resistance changes to the extent of no more than 5% при которых сопротивление батареи изменяется в пределах не более 5 %, increased by 50%);
- essentially low prime cost (two or more times lower).
- Golden medal and a winner diploma at the International Innovation Summit, Tunisia.
- Winner diploma of international trade fair «Ideas – Inventions – New Products», Nurnberg, Germany.
- Winner of SEC 1 Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology with subsequent project financing.
Address: 308023, Belgorod, ul. Promyshlennaya. 4
Director: Ivan Oleynik, 8-960-628-92-84
Phone: (4722) 30-13-71
E-mail: [email protected]