Small innovative enterprise
Limited liability company “«Pegas-BelGU» Developmental Center”
Limited liability company “«Pegas-BelGU» Developmental Center”
Was founded in 2009
The field of work
Development, installation and maintenance of Action Data Automation (ADA) and software dedicated to consulting service in educational sphere.
Innovative solutions
ADA, which computerize the work of state and municipal administration.
Application area
Provision of E-services, info systems and software to the people in educational and other spheres.
Products and service
- Software and informational educational systems for organization and support of e-learning on each step of educational process.
- ADA in educational, cultural and youth policy fields for: authorities and staff of education, culture and youth policy state and municipal departments, staff of educational institutions, teachers, students, unregistered users and system administrators.
- ADA’s role system organizes work in a way where every user depending on his or her “role” has a specific set of functions (viewing permission, editing permission, special e-services etc).
Сompetitive advantage
- Software for e-learning helps to considerately save time and labor resources for development of up-to-date educational content for e-learning in schools, secondary specialized colleges, universities, institutions of further training and corporations.
- The software can be used by the authors and developers of educational resources and also supporting personnel at the assembly stage of educational resource system.
- An outstanding feature of an ADA is the usability of freeware for server and user software.
- An undeniable advantage of this ADA is an open source code and a possibility to expand its functionality by creating new blocks, elements etc. without major time and material costs.
Address: 308006, Belgorod, Mikhailovskoye shosse, 2b
Phone: (4722) 30-23-79
Director: Oleg Galtsev, 8-904-531-27-11
E-mail: [email protected]