Small innovative enterprise OOO «SMT-BelGU»
Was founded in 2012.
The field of work
Robotic systems of terrain aeromonitoring.
Photo surveying of terrains and objects from the aircrafts.
Innovative solutions
The enterprise produces a high-tech innovative product – remotely piloted multi-rotor air platforms (multicopter) for photo and video surveying of terrains and objects.
Application area
The robotic systems of terrain aeromonitoring can be used:
- by law enforcement units, FRS;
- by media and PR industry;
- by energy and building companies, manufacturing plants and agricultural enterprises
Products and service
- Development of the robotic systems of terrain aeromonitoring , monitoring and control of remote objects.
- The services of photo surveying of terrains and objects from the aircrafts with the very small mass.
- Creation of digital models of terrain and relief (DMT, DMR).
- Creation of 3D GIS
Сompetitive advantage
- High professionalism of company employees in the field of geoinformational systems, cartography, electronics, programming and development.
- ООО «SMT-BelGU» was founded by the affinity group with a positive long-term cooperative research experience. The team consists of university representatives and professional industrial workers.
- The own industrial base for the production of multicopters with 3-8 lifting rotors.
- The staff assembles the air drones manually, programming and debugging them, performs the repair of any complexity promptly.
- The component parts from the leading global producers are used in the multicopters’ manufacturing process.
- The multicopters are equipped with flying security system (GPS/GLONASS, height and proximity sensors), locus autopatch sustem and emergency alerting system.
- There is no need for special clearances, because the multicopter’s mass and flight level is too small to cause hindrances for aerial vehicles.
- The existing pool of multicopters allows the wide range of services for aeromonitoring of objects and terrains.
- The detailed aerial survey allows to calculate quality digital models of terrain and relief.
- The set of textures and precise data about its location resulting from the processing can be used for automatized creation of realistic 3D models of terrain compartments.
Address: 308023, Belgorod, pr-t. Bogdana Hmelnitskogo. 86, corp. B, office 63
Director: Andrei Zissman
Phone/Fax: 8 (4722) 34-64-18, 8-915-574-4116.
E-mail: [email protected]