Small innovative enterprise OOO «Nanoapatit»
Was founded in 2010.
The field of work
- Scientific research and pilot projects in the field of natural and technical sciences;
- ground work on input products for medical products;
- synthesizing of “Synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite under the trademark “BelOst”.
Innovative solutions
Ground work on modified synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst-M” and unmodified (powder, paste) “BelOst”.
Product forms of modified synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst-M”:
- synthetical nanosized fluoro-substituted hydroxylapatite in form of powder and jell (paste);
- synthetical nanosized carbonnate-substituted hydroxylapatite in form of powder and jell (paste);
- synthetical nanosized silicon-substituted hydroxylapatite in form of powder and jell (paste);
- synthetical nanosized granulated hydroxylapatite in form of powder with granula size no more than 40 microne;
- synthetical nanosized granulated hydroxylapatite in form of suspension (paste) with solids concentration no less than 20%;
- synthetical nanosized granulated hybrid hydroxylapatite in form of powder with granula size no more than 40 microne;
Application area
Various branches of national economy; in medicine, as a standalone product or input product for materials, which replace lost bone parts (in traumatology, ortopaedics, surgery and odontology).
Products and service
Сompetitive advantage
- original technology of making a hydroxylapatite is based on using of inexpensive, accessible native chemicals;
- synthetic hydroxylapatite “BelOst” do not induce rejection reaction and allows to improve structural capabilities of material as a component of medical products;
- advanced penetration quality, high biochemical activity and reabsorption speed of synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst” provides: - in odontology – prolonged remineralizing effect on tooth tissue, enhancement of adhesive characteristics of organic and anorganic components of dental ivory; - in traumatology, ortopaedics and surgery – possibility of enhancement of adhesive characteristics and osseo-conductive characteristics of bone implants’ bioactive coating.
- synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst” is a nanoproduct, hydroxylapatite mainly consists of particles with the size of 8-10 nanometers;
- synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst” has low potential hazard level for its consumers, which is confirmed by FSBI Nutrition Research Institute of RAMS.
ООО “Nanoapatit” was certified among the first in прошло сертификацию в “Certification Authority for production and management systems in nanoindustry” (ANO «NANOCERTIFICA») and got the code certificate on “Synthetical nanosized hydroxylapatite “BelOst”.
This certificate allows to identify it as primary nanotechnological production and confirms functional and competitive characteristics of the given product.
Address: 308023, Belgorod, ul. Studencheskaya, 52
Postal Address: 308023, Belgorod, ul. Studencheskaya, 19
Director: Tatiana Ryndina
Phone: 8-910-226-23-08
E-mail: [email protected]