Medizinskiye technologii BelGU
Small innovative enterprise «Nauchno-proizvodstvennoye predpriyatiye “Medizinskiye technologii BelGU”
Was founded in 2011.
The field of work
Development and production of titanium ports for subcutaneous implantation as a reservoir for medicine or blood.
Innovative solutions
Hight-tech titanium port with amorphous carbon coating allows using of port-systems for a longer time and with minimal complications.
Application area
The product is used in oncology, hemodialysis and fetal medicine.
Products and service
Сompetitive advantage
- Minimal complications when using a port-system.
- Eco-friendly manufacturing process.
- The lowest cost outcome in prorated market segment
ООО «NPP “Medizinskiye technologii BelSU”» – is participant of “Skolkovo” project, “BIOMED” cluster.
Address: 308034, Belgorod, ul. Korolyova, 21, corp. 4, room 10
Director: Yuri Naberezhnev
Phone: 8-910-323-12-47