Small innovative enterprise OOO «NPP «Bioteh-BelGU»
Was founded in 2014.
The field of work
Analytical research and technological tests in industrial biotechnology.
Innovative solutions
Development and introduction of biotechnological way of lysin production with addition of self-made recombinant strain.
Mastering of the know-how № 85 from 29.03.2013 “Dispersive carrier and its sterilization for superficial growth of microorganisms and biosynthesis on immobilized living cells”. Copyright holder – BelSU.
Application area
Cattle breeding
Products and service
- Mastering of amino acids’ (lysine, threonine) production technologies.
- Issue of preproduction series of amino acids (lysine, threonine, tryptophane, valine etc.), which are essential for balanced fodder for providing of cattle breeding given parameters.
- Performing of analytical research and technological tests in industrial biotechnology.
- Material and technical resources for specialized seminars, conferences and presentations (meeting halls, equipped with up-to-date communication devices).
Сompetitive advantage
- Practical realization of innovation technologies of amino acids’ and ferments’ production.
- Modern technologies and up-to-date equipment.
- High-quality production and reasonable prices.
- Development of lysine production based on advanced refinement of grain.
- Development of programs and methods of investigation tests for lysine and the technological process of its production.
- Issue of preproduction series of lysine by the pilot plant.
- Creation of modern innovation technologies, second to none in Russia.
Address: 309255, Belgorod region, Shebekinskiy district, Biotechnicheskiy Zentr, str.1
Director: Nadezhda Zhivina
Phone: 8 (47248) 54-662; 8 (47248) 54-605
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]