GeoStroiMonitoring BelGU
Small innovative enterprise OOO «GeoStroiMonitoring BelGU»
The field of work
Construction inspection, evaluation and monitoring of technical condition, development of design specifications and estimates for construction and use of buildings and facilities of other natural-engineering systems
Application area
- Building design (of apartment blocks, cottages, shopping centers, hotels, hangars and aquatic health complexes).
- Designing of alterations, reconstruction of living quarters and non-residential premises, landscape design and land improvements.
- Design engineering for new building projects, reconstructions and major capital works, including territories with high seismic activity and complex geotechnical conditions: sagged earth, shifts, landslides, avalanches, saturation, possibility of karstification.
Products and service
- System design;
- construction inspection of complex natural-engineering systems, including buildings and facilities;
- design works for reconstruction of buildings and facilities;
- architectural and construction design for new buildings;
- engineering design;
- technological design;
- development of projects of strengthening of buildings’ and facilities’ framework;
- design project (interior, facade);
- geodesic control of parameters of building sites, buildings and facilities;
- geophysical technologies in construction operations
- geoinformational technologies in construction operations;
- geological research;
- designer supervision;
- engineering supervision;
- consulting services;
- environment evaluation;
- evaluation of acoustic, hydrophysical and physical and mechanical nature of soil;
- protection of groundwaters and development of water wells projects;
- development of projects for sanitary-protected zones.
Сompetitive advantage
- Procedure of design specifications by modern design methods and software.
- High-level qualification of the staff experienced in Design engineering on territories with high seismic activity and complex geotechnical conditions.
- Performing of whole design work – from first consultations and architectural concept development to design specifications in total or required volume.
- Providing additional services for project monitoring , general design engineer’s services, getting of necessary agreements and designer supervision.
- Full document set of licenses for performing of design work. MIP OOO “GeoStroiMonitoring BelGU” is part of self-regulated non-profit organization “Objedinenie inzhenerov proektirovschikov” (registration number in national registry of self-regulated organizations is СРО-П-037-26102009).
Address: Belgorod ul. Korolyova 2a, corp. 4, room 1
Director: Evgeniy Vorobyov
Phone: 8-920-209-62-72, 8-903-886-96-35
Email: [email protected], [email protected]