Elektronnye systemy BelGU
Small innovative enterprise OOO «Elektronnye systemy BelGU»
Was founded in 2011.
The field of work
Development and production of microelectronics.
Innovative solutions
- Power efficient light fitting;
- Light controlling systems;
- Power equipment protection systems.
The enterprise produces modern microelectronics on a high-tech level.
Application area
- Power efficient industrial lighting;
- Electrical equipment protection;
- Remote data gathering and remote equipment control.
Products and service
- Development and introduction of power sufficient lighting systems of buildings, roads and industrial facilities based on private hardware and software;
- Development and production of smart sensors and data gathering systems through the 0,4 кВ networks, and electrical equipment protection devices.
Сompetitive advantage
- Private microelectronic lab and up-to-date production equipment provides full working cycle from development to industrial production;
- electrical equipment protection devices analyzing quality parameter of electric energy has advanced usability and enhanced functionality;
- smart sensors and transducers don’t need additional transfer channels;
- system approach to power efficient lighting lay in development of high-tech controlling lamps which are connected into network without an additional costs for system channel and specialized lighting software.
Address: Belgorod ul. Korolyova 2a, corp. 4, room 103
Director: Vladimir Yatsenko
Phone: 8 (4722) 20-19-29, 8-903-642-49-17
Email: [email protected]