Stroitelnye materialy - BelGU
Small innovative enterprise OOO «Stroitelnye materialy - BelGU»
Was founded in 2011.
The field of work
Production of heat-insulating materials based on sponge-glass with enhanced strength property.
Innovative solutions
- heat-insulating and и load-bearing structural insulating material based on sponge-glass;
- highly effective materials based on sponge-glass with microfillers;
- heat-insulating materials based on sponge-glass with specified formation.
Application area
- industrial construction;
- nuclear industry;
- gas and oil-refining industry.
Products and service
The enterprise produces:
- heat insulation blocks. Size: 500x400, 400х400, 250х400 cm. Gage: 100, 80, 60 mm;
- feedwells and d segments 10-300 mm.
- foamed crumble.
Сompetitive advantage
- materials with enhanced heat-insulating properties (thermal conductivity - 0,04 - 0,05);
- effective structural behavior (compressive strength 0,9-2,0 Mpa);
- water saturation of load-bearing structural insulating material, is no more than 5 %, which provides high safety of buildings. Working lifespan is unlimited.
Address: 308015 Belgorod ul. Korolyova 2a,
Director: Igor Funikov
Phone: 8-951-132-39-47
Email: [email protected]