Small innovative enterprise OOO «Metall-deform»
Was founded in 2009.
The field of work
The production of rolled titanium products.
Innovative solutions
ООО «Metall-deform» produce rods and cutouts made from unalloyed nanostructured titanium (ВТ1-0, Grade 4) and test articles of medical implants and instruments.
The enterprise uses the ideas of the BelSU Center “Nanostructure materials and nanotechnologies”: RF patent № 2389568 from 20.05.2010 “The way of acquiring a submicrocrystalline structure in unalloyed titanium”; a know-how “The way of acquiring a submicrocrystalline structure in unalloyed titanium”; certificate № 8 from 24.09.2009 and a know-how “The way of mechanical- and heat-treatment of medical titanium beta alloys”, certificate №27 from 16.12.2010.
Application area
The production is used for implants in odontology, thraumatology, orthopedics and maxilla-facial surgery.
Products and service
- rods (calibrated and with enhanced accuracy by ASTMF67) 3…8 mm in diameter, approximately 3 meters long
- Barsand cutouts (orthopedic). Material: unalloyed titanium ВТ1-0 for ОСТ1 90173 and ОСТ1 90266 or Grade-4 for ИСО 5832-2, Nanostructured titanium ВТ1-0: durability is no more than 850 Mpa; fatigue loading resistance is no more than 450 MPa. Nanostructured titanium Grade 4: durability is no more than 1000 MPa; fatigue loading resistance is no more than 530 MPa.
Сompetitive advantage
- Nanotitanium for bone implants used in bone-wielding is free of toxic chemical elements (like aluminum and vanadium) which reduces the risk of complications in comparison with alloyed titanium and raise implants’ biocompatibility.
- The absence of dopant species and a formed nanostructural condition provides improved corrosion properties in comparison with other titanium alloys.
- The durability of nanostructured titanium is highly competitive with this of aluminum and vanadium alloys. It also has higher plasticity level at plate bending and screw twisting (2-3 times more compare to alloys). It provides new possibilities for the production of next-gen metallic implants.
Address: 308034 Belgorod ul. Korolyova 2a, korp. 9
Director: Maxim Ivanov, phone number: 8-915-565-32-22
Phone: 8 (4722) 58-54-06
Email: [email protected]