Small innovative enterprise OOO «MATRITSA-BelGU»
Was founded in 2009.
The field of work
Informational telecommunication systems.
Innovative solutions
The software for enterprise automation with the help of cloud technology, WEB interface and “thin” client. Eight intellectual property assets were registered.
Application area
The software are introduces in industry, trade and agriculture.
Products and service
- Development of substandard software.
- Merging of hardware and software into the joint automated complexes, which provide optimized management of enterprises and organizations.
- Development and creation of support and management decision making networks, expert systems, financial analysis and budget management systems.
- Maintenance of accounting software and management software for industrial and trade enterprises.
- Optimization of IT in the business process.
- Consulting services, including automatisation, business development and IT в
- Technical support and introduction of mass-production innovative software.
- Training of the company staff in software usage.
Сompetitive advantage
- Outgoing software solutions and exchange systems through GPS/GLONASS and EDI providers.
- The work through Web interfaces and organization of cloud technologies of available software. Information exchange through GSM and WiFi.
- Efficiency of introduction and reasonable cost comparing with similar solutions.
- The products correspond to the index of critical technologies – technologies of grid computing and systems; index of promising directions – informational and telecommunication systems.
The software are usefully employed in many regions of Russia and close abroad. “BelSU. Campus”, “BelSU. UNIR”, - «Matritsa. Scientific assessment», «Matritsa. Passport Office», «Matritsa.Migration Service», «Matritsa.HEI: Accounting of education fee 8», «Matritsa.Accounting in credit co-operative », «Matritsa.Pig farm 8», «Matritsa.Pedigree recording KRS 8», «1С: Line breeding in в cattle breeding».
At the present time ООО «MATRITSA-BelGU» has ongoing contracts for maintenance of its software and development of innovative automatisation projects with the enterprises of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
From the date of foundation, ООО «MATRITSA-BelGU» has won twelve grants for scientific and engineering research for BelSU. The staff of the enterprise published nine research articles in scientific publications and news media.
Address: 308034 Belgorod ul. Korolyova 2a, korp. 2, room 605
Director: Dmitriy Furtsev
Phone/Fax: 8 (4722) 528-711, 585-410