About science
Belgorod State National Research University is a leading scientific and educational center of Belgorod region. In 2009, it became primary university of Shanghai Cooperation Organization University network for “Nanotechnologies”, “Regional studies” and “Ecology” courses. In 2010, BelSU entered Top-30 of national research universities and joined the Association of Leading Russian Universities.
Research teams work at BelSU under the supervision of 11 academicians and corresponding members of RAS, award winners of state prizes. They perform research in 43 scientific areas of focus and one officially registered scientific school.
Top-priority areas of BelSU scientific development are:
- science-driven technologies for creation and processing of industrial-use nanomaterials;
- nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in biology, medicine and pharmacy;
- space, geoinformational and information telecommunication technology for efficient management of stable socio-economic development of territories.