Belgorod State University is among the best higher education institutions of the Russian software branch
The All-Russian rating of higher education institutions was based on the results of inquiries of the Russian software developers for the last 7 years (2011-2017). The research of RUSSOFT Association annually includes more than 130 companies (152 in 2017). The total rating for 4 years reflects a judgement more than 300 employers representing software branch of Russia. At the same time the universities were ranged by quantity of references by the software companies of specific higher education institutions as sources of addition of the staff new frames.
During the research "RUSSOFT" respondents answered a questions of higher education institutions which graduates are in the greatest demand among the IT enterprises of the region. The Belgorod state national research university took 21 positions.
By rules of rating, each IT company – the participant of inquiry of RUSSOFT – can give vote only for one university. For these years employers mentioned 119 universities of Russia in total as the best, however the rating included only those higher education institutions for which two and more companies voted.