The scientists will discuss challenges and perspectives of discourse study and media critics
Scientists from Belgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, other cities of Russia and also Ukraine and Kazakhstan, representatives of media community of the Belgorod region attended the conference organized by BelSU Journalism Department. The head of the department of Slavic philology of the Bergamo university (Bergamo, Italy) Prof. Hugo Percy was invited as the guest of Honor.
Professor Andrey Polonsky congratulated all attendees on the Teachers' Day and opened a plenary session.
“It is twice pleasant that our international scientific forum opens in such holiday”, – he said.
Conferees on behalf of a management of the university were welcomed by the deputy vice rector for science and innovations of BelSU Vadim Mishunin.
“It is difficult to overestimate the value of journalism in the modern world. It is important not only to convey information impartially and correctly, but also to develop media criticism in the conditions of tension in the world. Society has a request for the alternative point of view. This conference is very important, and more than 100 received applications prove that”, – he said.
Professor Hugo Percy has told the audience about old cooperation with Journalism Department of the Belgorod State University, the importance of a conference for science. According to him, collective monographs will become a result of a forum.
In conclusion of a plenary session conferees passed to discussion of reports. The circle of subjects was extensive: "Journalism in the context of new information technologies", "Media and query of society", "Journalism: modern practice and tendencies of development", "Mediacommunication and modern society" and others. Let's note that members of the media will give master classes on panel meetings. There will also be round table conferences: "The theory, history and practice of media criticism in Russia and abroad", "Russian in modern mass media", "Current problems of history of domestic journalism".