A ground near the BelSU Sport Center became one of the observation points for students and dozens of belgorodians during the solar eclipse on 20th of March
This unique astronomical phenomenon was one of the most major and expected in the whole world for the latest years.
The specially equipped ground near the BelSU Svetlana Khorkina Sport Center became the main observation point for watching how moon blocks the sun.
This solar eclipse could be seen at the different corners of the earth, but the total eclipse occurred in the northern part of Atlantic Ocean at the 20 kilometers long line from Northland to Greenland. In Russia, the eclipse was partial its peak happened at 01:19PM, – more than half of the sun was blocked.
The specially equipped ground near the BelSU Svetlana Khorkina Sport Center became the main observation point for watching how moon blocks the sun.
This solar eclipse could be seen at the different corners of the earth, but the total eclipse occurred in the northern part of Atlantic Ocean at the 20 kilometers long line from Northland to Greenland. In Russia, the eclipse was partial its peak happened at 01:19PM, – more than half of the sun was blocked.